Sunday, February 14, 2010


i went to the movies with my couisn and we watched
Dear John & Valentines Day.
they both were so cute. i wished it really happened.
Dear John was so sad, it'll actually make you cry.

And Valentines Day was soopa funny - ish.
haha Taylor Swift, she was actin' like a dumb blondee.
it was cute, defff a must see (;

much love ya'll ,

dear ya'llllll ,

Happy Valentines Day babes :)
Singles Awareness Day .
how cute , right? this day sucks.
it's a little stupidd but i guess its for all the
girls who wants to be cherished of loved .
but fyi , the guy just wants to get in your pants.

much love,

Saturday, January 30, 2010


its been like forever since i was last on .
so imma do a little something now .

i go to notredame now & its aight .
girls are nice so i won't complain.

my boyfran & i are still together .
ou yay , i'm happy . despite what
has happeneddd .

and my brothaaa got his license , BOOO YEAAAA .
haha gonna be crusin' with him now . ha
loveeee yaaa'

Monday, January 4, 2010

ain't it adorable ?

i was chillen w/ my little cousin & we decided to have a photoshoot , with my clothes . hahaha

i bought this for this schoolyear, but never wore it ? damn i waste money .

my white skinny jeans , never really wore those either .

i have really nice legs . i cannot wait till summer ;)

i can't wait till its warm enough to wear this .

Music .